Social Work

Since its re-founding in 2002, the Royal Order of Santa Isabel has supported the following institutions:

  • Federação Portuguesa pela Vida, Lisboa
  • Movimento Teresiano do Apostolado, Elvas
  • Vale de Acor, Almada
  • Confraria Rainha Santa, Coimbra
  • JRS Portugal – serviço Jesuíta aos Refugiados
  • Casa de Formação Cristã, Coimbra
  • Associação de Defesa e Apoio da Vida, Aveiro
  • Cozinhas Económicas, Coimbra
  • Carmelo de Coimbra
  • Colégio de S. José – Beja

The Royal Order of Santa Isabel fulfills its mission in defending the values of life, the human being and the family, by supporting national institutions whose social work reflects those same values.

The reception of underprivileged children, the education of young people at risk, the provision of meals to the needy, the support of the elderly and the recovery of drug addicts are some examples of the actions of the Royal Order of Saint Elizabeth.

Real Ordem de Santa Isabel entregou donativo ao MTA
Real Ordem de Santa Isabel entregou donativo ao MTA
Real Ordem de Santa Isabel entregou donativo ao MTA
Real Ordem de Santa Isabel entregou donativo ao MTA

© Linha de Elvas | 28/04/2011